Navjivini School of Special Education, an Institution for Mentally Handicapped has been serving the children with limited intellectual abilities and community since 1981. The institute has initiated many programs for professionals and parents under the guidance of National Trust. In 2007, Diploma in Education, Special Education (Mental Retardation) was started.
It has undertaken manpower development in mental retardation and other associated areas. In this context it is offering two years Teachers Training Course leading to Diploma in Education – Special Education (Mental Retardation) i.e. D.Ed. SE (MR) course since 2007. This course is recognized by Rehabilitation Council of India, New Delhi.
The Navjivini School has achieved another distinguished position by starting a another Institute under the name Navjivini Institute of Special Education and Research (NISER).This Institute has been recognized by Department of Social Security, Women & Child Development, Punjab. The Rehabilitation Council of India, New Delhi has also been accorded approval to the Institute from the session 2011 – 2012. Punjabi University, Patiala, has accorded affiliation to this institute. All the rules of Punjab Govt. and Punjabi University Patiala are being followed by the institute. The institute is running B. Ed. SE (MR) since 2011.